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Simscape 関数 - アルファベット順

activateSet fault as active fault (R2023b 以降)
addBehaviorAdd signal behavior to fault (R2023b 以降)
commensurateCheck whether units are mutually commensurate (R2021b 以降)
computationalDetermine computational unit for commensurate units (R2021b 以降)
ConditionalCreate or modify conditionals in models (R2023b 以降)
convertConvert array of numeric values into different unit (R2021b 以降)
convertConvert numeric array from one unit into another (R2021b 以降)
CursorMeasurementsConfigurationMeasure signal values using vertical waveform cursors that track along the signal (R2023a 以降)
deleteBehaviorDelete behavior associated with fault (R2023b 以降)
DistortionMeasurementsConfigurationCompute and display harmonic and intermodulation distortion (R2023a 以降)
FaultCreate or modify faults in models (R2023b 以降)
getAccess element of operating point data tree
getAccess node of simulation logging data tree using slash-delimited path (R2020b 以降)
getAssociatedModelRetrieve name of model fault (R2023b 以降)
getBehaviorGet path of associated Fault Subsystem block (R2023b 以降)
getFaultInfoFileGet name of fault information file (R2023b 以降)
getFaultModelGet name of fault model (R2023b 以降)
getSourceNavigate from node object to block that generated it
getSymbolsGet symbols in conditionals (R2023b 以降)
getTriggeredFaultsReturn array of faults triggered by conditional (R2023b 以降)
hasPathDetermine whether operating point data contains element at specified path
hasPrivateDataDetermine whether operating point data contains private data elements
hydraulicToIsothermalLiquid等温流体ブロックを使用するための油圧ブロック線図システムのアップグレード (R2020a 以降)
hydraulicToIsothermalLiquidPostProcessRestore original file names and links after upgrading hydraulic block diagram systems to use isothermal liquid blocks (R2021a 以降)
mergeCreate operating point by merging data from two operating points
moveMove element from one path to another
openBehaviorOpen fault behavior (R2023b 以降)
PeakFinderConfigurationCompute and display the largest calculated peak values on the scope display (R2023a 以降)
plotPlot all series associated with Node object
plotPlot logged simulation series values against time
plotxyPlot series associated with two node objects against each other
plotxyPlot two series against each other
pm_adddimensionAdds new dimension to unit registry
pm_addunitAdd new unit to unit registry
pm_getdimensionsGet information about all dimensions in unit registry
pm_getunitsGet information about all units in unit registry
printPrint complete logging tree of Node object
relativePathGet path to node associated with block or subsystem
removeRemove element from operating point
removePrivateDataRemove private data elements from operating point
setAdd or update element of operating point
simscape.addFaultsToBlockAdd faults to blocks (R2023b 以降)
simscape.computationalUnitDetermine computational unit for commensurate units (R2021b 以降)
simscape.dependency.fileCheck dependencies for single file
simscape.dependency.libCheck dependencies for library package
simscape.dependency.modelCheck dependencies for model
simscape.findFaultableBlocksFind blocks that support fault modeling (R2023b 以降)
simscape.findNonlinearBlocksCheck model for blocks with nonlinear equations
simscape.getFaultableElementsInBlockReturn faultable block subelements (R2023b 以降)
simscape.getLocalSolverFixedCostInfoDetermine iteration requirement when transitioning to fixed cost (R2021b 以降)
simscape.instrumentation.defaultVariableTableReturn default VariableTable object for block (R2024a 以降)
simscape.instrumentation.disableLoggingDisable logging for block (R2024a 以降)
simscape.instrumentation.enableLoggingEnable logging for block (R2024a 以降)
simscape.instrumentation.getVariableTableGet current VariableTable object for block (R2024a 以降)
simscape.instrumentation.isLoggingEnabledReturns whether logging is enabled for a block (R2024a 以降)
simscape.instrumentation.setVariableTableSet VariableTable object for block (R2024a 以降)
simscape.instrumentation.VariableConfigurationConfiguration for variable (R2024a 以降)
simscape.instrumentation.VariableTableStore and manage block variable data (R2024a 以降)
simscape.isCommensurateUnitCheck whether units are commensurate (R2021b 以降)
simscape.logging.exportSave logged simulation data in MLDATX file
simscape.logging.findNodeFind Node object corresponding to block or subsystem (R2020a 以降)
simscape.logging.findPathFind path to node in logged simulation data tree (R2020a 以降)
simscape.logging.getSimulationLogIdentify latest Simscape simulation log for a model (R2024a 以降)
simscape.logging.importCreate simulation log variable to access data in MLDATX file
simscape.logging.NodeHierarchy tree for simulation data
simscape.logging.plotPlot logged simulation data for Node or Series
simscape.logging.plotxyPlot logged simulation data for one node or series against another
simscape.logging.SeriesTime-value series for simulation data
simscape.logging.sli.findNode(To be removed) Find Node object corresponding to block or subsystem
simscape.logging.sli.findPath(To be removed) Find path to node in logged simulation data tree
simscape.logging.timestampDetermine whether simulation log is current or stale (R2021a 以降)
simscape.mustBeCommensurateUnitValidate that units are commensurate (R2021b 以降)
simscape.op.createCreate operating point by extracting data from model or from logged simulation data
simscape.op.OperatingPointOperating point object containing hierarchical target data for variable initialization
simscape.op.TargetVariable initialization target object
simscape.UnitRepresent unit of measure without an associated value (R2021b 以降)
simscape.ValueCreate value with unit (R2021b 以降)
Simulink.ConnectionBusSpecify properties of physical connection buses (R2021b 以降)
Simulink.ConnectionElementSpecify properties of elements of physical connection buses (R2021b 以降)
Simulink.fault.addConditionalAdd conditional to model (R2023b 以降)
Simulink.fault.addFaultAdd fault to model (R2023b 以降)
Simulink.fault.deleteConditionalDelete conditional from model (R2023b 以降)
Simulink.fault.deleteFaultDelete faults from model element (R2023b 以降)
Simulink.fault.enableEnable or disable faults on model elements (R2023b 以降)
Simulink.fault.findConditionalsRetrieve conditionals from model (R2023b 以降)
Simulink.fault.findFaultedElementsRetrieve paths of model elements that have faults (R2023b 以降)
Simulink.fault.findFaultsFind faults in model (R2023b 以降)
Simulink.fault.getFaultModelsReturn fault models associated with model (R2023b 以降)
Simulink.fault.injectionEnable fault simulation for model (R2023b 以降)
Simulink.fault.isEnabledDetermine whether model elements are enabled for fault injection (R2023b 以降)
Simulink.fault.updateReferencesSynchronize model fault information files (R2023b 以降)
sl_postprocessMake postprocessing customizations when building custom block library
SpectrumAnalyzerBlockConfigurationConfigure Spectrum Analyzer for programmatic access
sscexploreOpen Simscape Results Explorer to interact with logged simulation data
sscnewfileCreate new Simscape file populated by required and commonly used keywords (R2019b 以降)
sscprintzcsPrint zero crossing information for logged simulation data
ssc_buildBuild custom library from collection of Simscape files
ssc_cleanClean all derived files generated by library build process
ssc_mirrorCreate protected mirror of library of Simscape files
ssc_new必須のブロックとよく使用されるブロックが取り込まれた新規の Simscape モデルを作成
ssc_protectGenerate Simscape protected files from source files
ssc_updateUpdate Simscape component files to use new syntax
subsystem2sscConvert subsystem containing Simscape blocks into equivalent Simscape file or files
SymbolCreate or modify symbols in conditionals (R2023b 以降)
timeExtract time vector from simulation series
twoPhaseFluidTablesGenerate fluid property tables from REFPROP or CoolProp database
unitsimscape.Value 配列に関連付けられた単位を返す (R2021b 以降)
valueReturn array of numeric values converted into specified unit (R2021b 以降)
valuesExtract values from simulation series